Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Big Letter! - March 31, 2014

Alright. I have a ton of things to say but I don't know where to start and what to talk about so I will just talk about a couple of things! Sister Kreissl is the bomb. And so are the Elders and other Sisters! I love being in Arvada 3rd Ward. They really do love helping us missionaries out. Well the sisters :) 
Saturday, I got to dig in a garden and play around with worms! We actually named them all. There was Nephi and Lehi and all the others and we couldn't forget ourselves. So I found a short and chubby worm for myself and Sister Kreissl found a tall and skinny one! Then the Elders of course had to find big ones. Ha. 
Sister Kreissl and I gave sharing time in primary yesterday and that was super fun! I got kissed. No worries though. A boy named Cody came up to me during primary singing time and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. Totally random and unexpected. Made my day though!! Then after church, he licked my hand..... gross. He is 3 though. 
A framily in the ward (friend-family) they are putting a garden in their backyard and also a fire pit and a chicken coop. Well they got chicks and told us to come over and see them sometime so since everyone we planned to visit fell through last night/rescheduled we went over to the Ellis's and saw the chicks. One of them pooped on me... My day was awesome yesterday though! Really! 
On Friday, we went to the follow up training meeting and that was awesome! It was the last time that all of us who came out together would be in the same room together while on the mission. We got home safely. I am trusting Heavenly Father a lot! 
THURSDAY!! I gave a recitation for the first time! It was awesome! and then also we played balloon volleyball and BINGO at Arvada Estates! Again, I love doing that! I am meeting more missionaries too! 
A couple of days this past week, I have been more focused on the work than eating dinner. And it gets late and then I remember or it's the day we have dinner and I remember oh yah... we need to make sure we are still having dinner! 
I am learning so much too! Spiritually!! It's so awesome! I am so grateful to be on a mission! I learn things that I have to step back and go wait, why did I not learn this before my mission? It is so true that the things you learn on your mission help you for your future! Instead of me learning these things slowly at home I learn them so quick on my mission! I love it!!! 
Anyways.... I am going hiking today!!! So excited! It's going to be fun!
Love you all! 
Sister Svedin!

p.s. All of you should watch General Conference and not fall asleep!!! Don't do it! The talks have been prepared for us to help us in life. It's like instructions to a game except it's life and it's from God and the Holy Ghost will touch our hearts! Prepare yourself by thinking of a question that you really want help with and I promise that you will receive your answer because I know that Heavenly Father loves us and will always answer the questions that we ask Him. :)
Other than that.... SMILE!!! :) It's healthy!

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